Friday, March 13, 2015

Cross Server Battle Update 1: Overall Description

Official Description: (征战四方) Literally War at four fronts

This is still undergoing test. There might be bugs (LOL). May suddenly close down event. (LOL) Will further improve this version.

Opening date: 2015 March 13

Opening Level: level 150
Entrance: Super Event: "War at four fronts" 
1. Each activity last 10 days. First 7 days for war, last 3 days to display results
2. During war, everyday 2am-5am stop battle. Ie. activity starts from 6am to 2am (WTF)

Upon Entrance:

1. Players will be choosing one of the 5 forces: (Wu, Shu, Wei, Han, Others)
2. In the battle at four fronts, the biggest motive is to defeat the other 4 forces enemies
3. During the battle, apart from getting resources for aiding this cross server battles, the player would also be rewarded with resources for COTK itself.

As shown above, the game looks like a super big map which you can walk step by step.

Follow numbers in red on picture
1. The button (red square) highlighted on the bottom centre refers to "Troop". It refers to the heroes and formation used during COTK.
2. "Movement" Where you are would be broadcasted to everyone in the map (I guess its only certain places)
3. "Rank Pay" The most important resource of the game. The more troops u use, the more rank pay u require. Obtaining rank pay can be through a lot of methods. This would be described later.
4. "Flags" Can be used to recover troops and exchange for rank pay. Getting it is easier. Through price and gold.

5. "Receive Rank Pay" After pressing this button, will launch a user interface. Every hour can receive this money. Player will be allocated rank and the rank and corresponding strength of the force(country) will determine how much pay the player will get.
6. Ranking: Pay resources according to rank everyday
7. Quick Report: Display the result of all the forces so far. There will be a force reward at the end of the event.
8. Battle report: Shows all the battle notifications

9. Ranking: Rank of player depends on battle results. Better fights give better rank and give better money. Rank is refreshed at 5am daily.
10. Cities: Important resource point for this cross server battle. Note that defending players in city receive defending bonus during battle.

11. View report: Able to view as a spectator.

1 comment:

  1. Have u had the chance to play? looks fun! unfortunately english servers are not important to HY... no updates watsoever
