Mouse Recorder Pro

This section teaches how Mouse Recorder Pro could be used to do daily task such renewing Farms and doing Jade.

Mouse Recorder Pro could be downloaded from the following link

Procedural Steps:
1. Click on the Record button. And Immediately Stop Recording.
2. Click on "Go to Editor"
3. Clear ALL the scripts. You are going to do so manually. 

4. Mouse recorder pro records every single mouse click and event. What we are going to do is just to insert mouse position and add a left click down + left click up.

For Example, let us perform a farm renewal
To simulate a click on the farm. Simply hover your mouse over the Farm icon and hit the following keys on the keyboard 
ALT + "X"

You should see something like this on the editor

Click on the following icon to add a mouse click. A mouse click is a "Left Click Down" + "Left Click Up"

Add Delays in between mouse clicks

Once you have the script done. Save the script. 
You can play the script by loading and playing the script

To schedule a script. Click on Tools > MRP Calendar. The steps should be straightforward. Best of luck

5. Attached is a script I have written for Jade. In order for the script to work, you would need to be in the 8 formations screen. The script included a copy and paste of the battle report. You might want to omit that portion. I have written comments in the scripts as well


  1. i used this in my online games but after 1 hour playing the script the game was unexpectedly closed. The script set infinite..why this is happen?

    1. Ah.. not COTK right? its working for COTK.
      I dun own this software sorry
