
As explained in the tutorial , Mass and Research are linked together.

Research creates volumes like this:

You can see from the description what it does. It adds Common Attack and Hit
As you can see from the requirement, it needs 2 X "Bold" and 2 X "Nostalgia" pages.

Here, we can see the table below who drops the following pages.
HeroesChallenge DropRush DropConquer Drop
Cao CaoWarriorFormationAstronomy ChaosFightFormationTricksChaosFightFormation
Liu BeiBoldTacticsChallenge StratagemResistTacticsVigorStratagemResistTactics
Zhang FeiNostalgiaJustice  OperationLawJustice    
Guan YuBoldRules  LeaderEliteRules    
Zhuge LiangNostalgiaFightChaosAstronomyChaosFightFormationAstronomyOperationFightFormation
Sun QuanLiberalResistGeography StratagemResistTacticsCooperationLeaderResistTactics
Zhou YuWarriorLawLeaderCounterLeaderLawJusticeCounterChaosLawJustice
Da QiaoBoldElite  LeaderEliteRules    
Diao ChanNostalgiaTacticsStratagemGeographyStratagemLawTacticsGeographyStratagemLawTactics
Lyu BuLiberalRulesOperationChallengeOperationEliteRulesChallengeOperationEliteRules

As you can see, to get the Raid volume, you should challenge
Liu Bei, Guan Yu or Da Qiao for the Bold volume
Zhang Fei, Zhugeliang or Diao Chan for the Nostalgia volume
As mentioned in tutorial slides, certain other pages such as purple, red and gold on top needs gold

In Mass Page, find the heroes (example Liu Bei)

Once you have the 2 X Bold and 2x Nostalgia, go to the synth tab and hit synth.
If you are lucky, instead of a normal volume, a fate volume will be produced
Please do not assume that you can get Fate easier by going to the Fate page below and try to Synth. The Synth option will not be available. Please don't ask why and synth normally as above.

In case, you only want to use Fate volumes, what you can do is to press "Fuse". Fusing gives you back half of what pages you used. For example, the requirement for Synth a Raid page is 2x Bold and 2x Nostalgia, Fusing a normal "Raid" gives you back 1x Bold and 1x Nostalgia
Fusing will only fuse a normal page but not the Fate pages

Once you have the Fate volumes, you can equip the volumes to your heroes.
Follow the image below to equip the volumes to the heroes you want. Please Note that Forget is no longer available. 

As you can see, there is a special square at the bottom for each hero. That is for an active skill

Currently, only the volumes Plan, Pierce, Sweep, Fury, Armored, Tricks, Vigor and Cooperation are Active skills. 

What to do when you wrongly assign a skill. You can either Recast or Forget. See above image. 
Recast is only through events. You get every single volume back when you recast. 
Forget cost you 200 gold. You will not get any volumes back  (No longer available)

You can level each of the Passive skills and Active Skills
Maximum level is 20. However, the number of volumes required to level up the skills increases with the level

For more details on recommendations on what volumes to use on what heroes, its best to ask your fellow teammates for suggestions!

All the Best!!!


  1. what is the best strategy to build volumes? always go for fate and fusing all the normal ones or just collect anything that we get

    1. I do not know lol...
      But I can share with you my strategy though..
      Apart from my main damage dealers and healers for PVP which is Sun Jian, Super Guo Jia and God Diao Chan. The rest are getting non-fate volumes instead.

      Ie. For STA, Emperor, Zhou Yu and Zhugeliang will be using non-fate volumes.
      In a way, you dun feel wasted by that stupid fate rate and fusing lolx. Not sure if thats an ok strategy for all XD

  2. but since there is a difference between sta flag and str flags, does it apply to research as well? is is STR or STA for EX?

    1. Is there a STR and STA? I thought its just STR? lolx. Anyways just dun use the % flag. The % flag cannot work on EX

  3. Hi! What hero we can use Tricks? Thx

    1. Sorry for late reply. Only use for support heroes (ZGJ, ZGL, ZC, YJ, ,LB). Recommend main STA heros uses all 5 STA volumes

  4. Forget button has been removed. Recast is the only option now.
