Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Congrats to new007

I can't help but noticed New007 from s22 got the level 10 flag package from Goodluck package.
Congrats bro!

Christmas Update from China

i have not updated the blog for sometime as the feature updated in China are non significant. 
Here's one worthy to note

一.New Feature
New Pavilion Beauty (Wang Yuan Ji)
Skill:Increase absolute attack and defense
1.Need Da Qiao and others level 5
2.City level 120
3. Require 20 gold,500000 silver

二.New Map
Side Map:Ma Teng Bio
Open criteria:Defeat「Burning Red Cliff」3rd NPC

三.New Hero:

Ma Teng. Super

Hero Type:Assist
Troop Type:金戈铁勇
Skill Description:Increase all COM and TCA defense. In the meantime, causes level 5 attack (COM) to a SINGLE person (Not sure is it directly in front) . 

(Note* It's buff should be similar to Astronomy)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Finally some updates from China!

Lazy to type the greetings letter from China.
Just translating the main stuff

Original Article here:

See the article for the images. I have some problem linking the images on this pc
Probably link them another day. Just the description

1. New system:
Jewel/Ruby expansion

Unlocking purchase for jewels

Previously, you exchange raw stones for jewels. Now after u exchange many raw stones, you unlocked jewels to be purchased by gold directly.

It should worked something like mass, where the unlock only for that day only. 

2. New map and hero:

New hermit map: Ma Su Bio
Open Criteria: Pass HR event (6th NPC) (Yeah~~ I passed)

New Hero:
Ma Su. Super
Skill Description: 气贯长虹
Skill Effect: Inspire a random TCA hero from start, Every round Super Heal

3. Hero Changes

Super Sun Ce damage will increase. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

A very powerful TCA + COM combination**=0&version=

Sneak peak of Super Cheng Yu**=0&version=

Super Cheng Yu is level 3 STA with ability to reduce opponent STA

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Thanks Junhao for consolation

Lol. Gotta thanks Junhao for the interesting whatsapp conversation hahahah

Nothing new in China.
I hope you guys are doing well in the GoG event.

As far as I see, there is no Moon, no Sparta yet.
cleo88, Rachel, Patton, and FJ are leading the pack

I see that our server top Wei, Jason is also in the front line.
All the best guys!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Sorry guys for the missing times.

Hey guys,

Sorry for the slow updates of this blog. Certainly it is due to the fact that China has not been updating their game in the first place. But more importantly i have been wasting time wooing a girl but failed terribly ahhahahaha..

But life's like that huh..
so hey i am back in both blog and forum.

Here is a battle report on using both Guan Yu Super + Zhao Yun Super.**=0&version=

Thursday, September 25, 2014

God Of Glory Experience

I did not write this post. Just translating this article here:

Translated Article:
Chaos of Three King is a Strategy game. The fundamentals include guessing the opponent formation, first strike point (FSP), current exploit score. The game is exciting if you find an almost equivalent opponent and getting a win/loss is the most fun part. The older server no longer has a strategy of formation for country battle - they lost fate. At the current moment, for the older servers, having the best event with the least cost is the only thing that the players wish for right now.

At the start, I do not want to write the strategy for GoG is because of suspiciously high exploit of some super VIPs. As of now, because there are a lot of request for strategy, I decided to write one.

1. Knowing Yourself
Know how much you can spend over the 5 days of GoG. After setting a target, know how much you can use.
The same 10k gold, spreading out the exploit over 5 days can make a hell lot of differences. Personally, I do not advise players to aim for ranking, the loss feeling could be great. As long as you keep having that ranking in mind and trying to achieve it, it could result in a big spending. The general idea is, once u sense that you cannot achieve what you want in this GoG, you better reduce spending. I (newbienoob) summarise this on my own, in general what this Chinese guy is saying is that achieving ranking is lower in priority compared to what you intend to spend before the GoG in the first place.

2. Knowing Others
GoG last 5 days, but by day 2, you should already understand who and what the opponents are aiming for. Ie. Are they aiming for top 3, top 10, top 50, top 100 etc. Also after a few GoGs, you will understand some of the habits of GoG expenditure (eg. Jarret)
This is a stats from china:
Top 100 estimate: 4*3211 + 5711 = 18414 exploit
Top 50 estimate: 4*5711 + 9461 = 32305 exploit
Top 10 will be different. Usually these people might not benchmark against exploit points. So, the best way is to understand what is their limit everday and every last GoG day pattern.

I do not know how he got this table but basically it means the following:
The higher the experience of Super Zhugeliang (ie. highlighted in yellow 100, 170 and 230), the higher the exploit. So the later guy who spend later will get a higher exploit points at a cheaper rate. But of course, unlike China, dun expect super zgl to reach level 230 lah!
I guess this is more for the top 10 ranking :D
I dun understand many of the fields, maybe someone can understand more as I less participate in GoG these days

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Cross Server Country battle update

I do not really understand what was written exactly.

I doubt even the Chinese knew what they are talking about.

But basically, one thing is confirmed.
Everyone can take part in this Cross server Country battle.

I am not sure if I interpreted correctly. It seems to me that the first person to go in will face the first person. That person who win or loses can rejoin the cb at the back. Meaning he will join the queue.

It seems like this form of country battle is a bit flawed. To ensure victory, I can always create a lot of clones to put at the opponent side. But I am unsure still...

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Some minor information from Attributes Washing

This is already not a surprise to many I guess:

For for those who do not know.
Washing attributes success rate is more or less the same

ie. using 2000 honors, 2 gold, 5 gold, 10 gold and 20 gold.

So why bother use 20 gold, u might ask?

Its basically the rate of increase
2000 honors -  + 1~3 attribute increase
2 gold - +1~5 attribute increase
5 gold - ?
10 gold - +1 ~10 attribute increase
20 gold - +1 ~ 20 attribute increase

So depending on how u are willing to spend.
If you are unlucky, u may get 20 gold for just a +1 attribute.
Based on this model, determine how you want to up ur attributes :D

Friday, August 22, 2014

Cleared HR event!

Battle Report :

Yan Liang.super versus Guan Yu.God

I know this is kinda far for most of us. 
But here are some reports. To avoid contention, this is a direct translation from the following link:

Attacking the defender:(Heroes are in same condition)
   Guan Yu:**=0&version=
   Yan Liang:**=0&version=
Attacking Wei Yan(See speed and defense):
   Guan Yu:**=0&version=
   Yan Liang:**=0&version=
Attack Guo Jia(See STA Defense):
   Guan Yu:**=0&version=
   Yan Liang:**=0&version=

Conclusion:Guan Yu and Yan Liang damage are the same. (Yan Liang is lower because of the 15% capacity buff from Guan Yu.super) That super damage difference in some report is due to the MDR requirements which the 15% capacity buff managed to get it over. Defense, Yan Liang loses to Guan Yu slightly. But it could be due to small differences in attributes between the 2. [Note, RenRen made Guan Yu and Yan Liang almost similar. Just that Guan Yu has the 15% capacity buff and Yan Liang does not need inspirer) 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Apology to S56, S57, S58 and S59 Players

I must say, after seeing the differences in development ranking and first strike points. I think Huayu is merely using my newbienoob statistics as a gauge to merge our 2 servers. I see that even XieShu, Arygemini and GMBomber development and fsp are not even close to the top 10 players... Myself is just 3rd or 4th..

I apologize for this merger. I dun think it benefits anyone in s56 be it from Shu, Wu. Maybe Wei have some initial benefit ...

For s9 folks, let us be friendly - Be it from Shu, Wu or Wei. Let's not have internal strife and fight it out our best in West War, Legion farms and Country battle.

I dunno how the cross server country battle works in future as there are no updates in China.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

How to beat DianWei.Super

This is from China.
Since there is only GMBomber and New007 playing, I hope they are not angry for me posting this.

Dianwei.Super is super powerful no doubt.
This is before I asked China for advise and what happened.

This is after their advise:

You can take a look the difference :D
No equipment or array change

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Mystery on Defense Buff

I guess those Super VIP and old servers would have noticed.

How come increasing the number of troops is better than improving armor?
To be honest, I did not know myself until today.

Here's why from China:

For example,
If EX wears an Armor of 4000 DEF. Having an honor guard buff of 30% gives a Defense of 5200 DEF.

If another person were to upgrade an Armor to 5200 DEF directly. You would expect the effect to be the same?

The answer is no.

Defense buff unlike armor defense directly affects the damage to u as stated.
Moreover, heroes like Emperor Xian, the defense buff on Invincible Vehicle is more.
So do take note the differences and do not blindly upgrade your armor.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Prepare for major restructuring of the COTK

There will be major changes to post level 151 game play.

The first big change is announced and finalised.
The Ruby system is explained in the following link

Changes to s57Shu website

Added translation gadget to translate the page since there are players from Thailand and Indonesia. Hope it helps :D

Monday, July 21, 2014

The New Country Battle -> Cross Server Country Battle

I'll just do a direct translation.
I have no idea what it is about but link is here for those who read chinese

[Notice]Getting Close to Chaos, Who will rise and Who will fall. A Big Country Battle Awaits

Hero and Brother's loyalty! The war is coming. Almost everyone can smell the scent of war.
As Chaos Of Three Kingdom is getting close to the National Day (China), the new cross server
country battle awaits.
Without doubt this is this will involve all new and old players. This will be a whole new
country battle system. There will be new distribution of forces (新势力分布??) as well as
new titles system (官职系统) which will bring a new experience for all!
The upcoming COTK country battle shall introduce a new force (引入多个新势力??),
the players are free to choose (not sure choose what). The objectives remains the same, the
more land the better.
In short, a country can attack another country for land. Once you belongs to a country
(而有了国家之后???),all the players can within a period of time uses contributions to take
part in election (贡献来参加选举???),and elect different people with different titles to
decide on the country policy (不同官职和选定国策??),different job titles would have different
roles. For those who are familiar with country policies, there will be policies for internal
as well as battles etc.

In the new force, you can deploy different people to different maps. This means more
betrayals, and it also means more passionate fightings. Every player can do their
daily disturbance to other players. There will be a chart for the top players in the
country battle rank.

Please look forward to the new country battle.
After translating, i become more blurred lol..
Let's wait and see. Probably out only next month for China. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Single Gold book clearing Wen Chou.Super

This is for the super VIPs.**=0&version=

First thing, you need level 8 STA flags.
See his power healing!
With red books alone, its possible to achieve 56k heal if you have all research jade and sta done.

So good luck brocade users :D

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Changes to Attribute Washing


My misinterpretation.
After looking carefully at the text carefully, what it means is that you will first select the which attribute you want to up.
So, for example Super Guo Jia. You select IN and check only IN..

Afterwards, you click to change the attribute.

The 2 buttons of "keep" and "replace" will only show up if it is better than current stats.

So, once this patch is up, please jolly uncheck those useless attributes. Else u end up spending all your honors and gold for nothing!!!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Question for COTK players

If the FSP for 2 players is the same. Do you know who attacks first?


The player that attacks hits first :D

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Which COTK Hero to purchase?

The Chinese had a forum on this article. Here is their feedback.
I have translated to English. 

I add a poll on the right later for our English Server feedback :D

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Understanding Level Attack

Every level is 15% more than the previous level.

Level 5 TCA/STA/COM is 1.15 of level 4 TCA/STA/COM
Level 5 TCA/STA/COM is 1.15*1.15 of level 3 TCA/STA/COM

So on and so forth

For those intend to buy Super Simayi. Please note that Super Sima Yi damage is lower than Super Guo Jia or Super Pang Tong. However, he added STA and STD buff. Especially the STD buff which no hero had, no other hero had such buff.

This is extracted from an article I read about Super Simayi.
Nobody rebutted his argument, so I presume the value should be correct unless proofed wrong otherwise.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Huang Gai. Super - The revived Lyu Bu

Lots of people missed the 1 hit Lyu Bu.
In earlier servers, I believe many had tried to use 1 hero TCA lyu Bu for pvp and you feel awesome right?

Well, here is a battle report for Huang Gai.super against a pure STA.
I dunno how accurate this BR is because the Super Guo Jia misses and wonder what COM defense flag is being used.**=0&amp

Buff Clarification

I got a lot of questions about buff etc.

I see an article in China and I summarise here as well.
The china link is here:

In summary, (translate literally)
1、Astronomy Buff——
15 % attack (TCA+COM)
20 % defense (TCA+COM)
Heroes: Zhugeliang、Zhang Liao.Super 
Super Cao Ren attack buff do not stack 

2、Honor Guard Buff 
30% defense (TCA+COM)
Heroes: Super Cao Ren, Da Qiao, Zhong Yao, Jian Yong
Can stack with Astronomy

3、Military Band Buff
20% attack (TCA+COM)
Heroes : Xiao Qiao, Liu Ye, Yue Ying, 
(According to this article and anonymous below. Military Band buff can stack with Astronomy)

4、Capacity buff 
15% attack (TCA, COM, STA)
Heroes: Sun Jian, Guan Yu, Sun Ce (Super), Zuo Ci and Yu Ji (STA only)
Can stack with all buff

5、Super One round Buff
40% attack, 80% defense
Heroes: Super Diao Chan, Super Sun Xiang Shang
Will override all buff if got to that person. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

As requested from Aidan: How to beat Super Zhou Tai using COM

Some of the Battle Reports:
-- If I can find more, I just add them below:

1) Echelon Formation:

SCR     MH
ZGL     EX

**Update (24/6/2014)
A lot of people tend to switch to SZF, but the Anonymous guy was right. You should easily clear with Han Sui.

** Update 4/7/2014
Updated by NickKnight and Anonymous below:

** Updated 6/7/2014
Updated by Aidan

Friday, June 6, 2014

New Map and Heroes (Degrade?)

Dear Players :
      For better gaming experience, we are providing upgrades to our service. Everybody please arrange your online timing accordingly. If we finish the upgrade early, we shall open the servers earlier. There will not be any announcement, please let your friends know. Thanks everyone for suggestion. Wish everybody happy gaming!

Renew Time:2014/6/6 7:00--9:00
Affected Servers:X1-X888
Upgrade type:Stop server to upgrade 

Updated Contents:1.      Main map reduced difficulty: Alliance-四世三公
2.      Side map reduced difficulty: Cheng Yu Bio, Zhaoyun Bio
3.      Purchase of expanding slot will prompt 2 times 
4.      Training with gold and SPO will prompt 2 times
5.      New map (Main line) :义释严颜、计斩妙才

义释严颜Opening criteria:Defeat “四世三公” “Yuan Shao•super” 


计斩妙才Opening Criteria:Defeat “义释严颜”  “Yan Yan•Super”


New Hero:Yanyan.Super, Fa Zheng.Super 

Yanyan.SuperHero Type:COM
Soldier Type:英勇禁卫
Skill Description:老当益壮 (Still strong while being old.. LOL)
Skill Description:Randomly causes at most 4 people with level 4 COM damage. 

Newbie note: Very strange, since ZhouTai.super can cause level 5 to all already. However this one might have a chance to hit the same person.. Very strange still especially its after Yuan Shao.Super. 

Fa Zheng.SuperHero Type:STA 
Soldier Type:玄冥隐士
Skill Name:恩怨天下
Skill Description:Causes enemies level 5 STA damage。

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Super Simayi

Needless to say, you can only buy him. Price unsure yet. Wonder if it will be the same as Xun Yu.

Increase COM, TCA, STA defense to all troops. Causes level 5 STA attack to all enemies.

Note: Although its level 5 to all, we are still unsure whether it will be a lot compared to poison or fire. However that defense will be quite something = especially how the defense buff stacks will be the key

Battle Reports:**=0&amp**=0&version=**=0&amp**=0&amp

Analysis should come few days later i think

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Confirmed * Upgrade in China Server

Patch Confirmed (Boss killing)

Currently it is all against one boss hero. Everybody can login at any time to hit this boss. In case you cannot read Chinese. The boss name is called "Super Zhuge Liang". There is no plans to make it a hero as of yet though lolx. 
You will get a reward for hitting him. 
The last person who kills it will get an additional reward. 
Once the last person kills the boss, everybody who is involved in killing the boss gets the reward as well. 

I saw this article on renren web forum here:

According to the article, this is not even in their X1 server. The moderator posting this news is authentic since I have been reading their forum all the time. :D.
Hence given that, it wouldn't be out in near future 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Super Huang Gai at a glance

This is quite an epic battle. Useful for reference in Shu vs Wu battles in the future.
As of now, I see Super Huang Gai and Super Dian Wei as super heroes in PVP. See battle below**=0&version=

The Super Pang Tong was taken out every round. For Wu, the whole idea is to get rid of him asap as the more you drag, the more powerful he'll become.

But that battle is of course misleading. His SDC heals 40+k (without capacity buff). meaning to say, he should either have red book. or mabbe after level 200 patch, red book heal passes 40k.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Heads up to new Heroes - Super Yan Liang and Super Wen Chou


Super VIPs in China already completed Super Guan Yu and Super Yan Liang.
Some already using them.
Super Guan Yu is definitely weaker than Super Sun Ce. But Gosh, Super Yan Liang does not have morale at all. It simply means he does not even need to be inspired. Together with Super Wen Chou. It means, in future, u can throw inspire and still use TCA as attacker :D

It actually spells good news for COM too. Super Yan Liang can reduce COM defense of opponent, while Super Wen Chou can reduce TCA defense of opponent.
Now, u can use 2 TCA heroes without a single inspirer. Not bad eh?

This is the battle report of against Super Yan Liang:**=0&amp

And of course, this is the complaints that follows :

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Level 200 Pouch system

Pouch Equipment introduced.

1. Players could see the system in "Equipment" and "One-key Equipment Change". Ie. Its a new equipment. Not sure if its also Green, Blue, Purple, Red, Gold based.

2. How to obtain? To be notified.

3. Pouch characteristics:
Absolute Attack: This equipment adds a damage (TCA/STA/COM) which will not be affected by any kind of defense. Ie. If the pouch adds TCA damage. This TCA damage will not be blocked by cloak or any defense at all. Same applies for COM.
Absolute Defense: (Obtained from relics) Only be used to defend against Confirmed damage.

As shown in image, it does not matter whether its TCA, STA, or COM. It just say adds "Confirmed damage +44" . I suspect it means enhance you add confirmed damage while study you add Confirmed defense.

There is some changes to the Page exchange system. Now you can sell all pages through one button. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Level 200 patch update

2 things.

1) I have added the Page trading system under the  "Tutorial" section.
I will update the actual terms after Huayu give them the correct names

2) Difficulty is confirmed reduced from Attack South to HR event.
Means almost 70% of the normal VIP who have reached Alliance now can get both Super Pang Tong and Super Huang Gai. I guess those in Cut Road now can go even further.

Link and corresponding Battle Reports

Another thing to add is there will be new things added to equipment. Not sure what coming April

Level 200 in China out. Not as many updates as what I have hoped

No new maps. The last few maps posted earlier on Super Y.Shao, S.WenChou etc . Details directly translated below

Dear Players:
      To bring better gaming experience to the players, we are making the following adjustments. Please prepare your online timing accordingly. If we complete the patch earlier, the servers will be released earlier as well. There will be no notification of the early release. Please let your friends know. Thanks for giving your feedback and suggestion. Wish everyone happy with the game. 

Date:2014年3月28日 7:00--9:00
Affected Server:X1
Maintenance Type:Stop game to patch
Updated Contents:
1、Increase Level:200级。
Critieria:Level 180→181 requires you to clear Liang Horse 

Level 200 details:
1) Buildings to reach Level 200
2) Level of hero to reach Level 200
3) Tech to reach Level 200
4) Affected Nation policies to adjust to Level 200
5) Some level 180 cities converted to Level 200
6) Increase Level 200 Silver mine and Farm resources
7) Equipment to enhanced to Level 200
8) Troop Level to reach Level 200
9) Inherit book to include level 180 and Level 190 
10) Transport reward to adjust to level 200
11) Level 200 flag slot opened 
12) Western war price to increase to Level 200 (See previous post)

2、New "Page Selling and Trading" System (Very very interesting. Wonder white can sell)
Description:(Names could changed based on Huayu)
1) Players could through [武将沿袭」feature,  to sell (white?), green, blue or purple pages。
2) After sale, Players would get a new type of item called "Old Page" ie. [古卷」。
3) Players could use these Old pages「古卷」to exchange for any Pages of any type (except for red and gold page). 

3、Skill Adjustments

1)"Extend" mine now have 2 times per day 
2) Difficulty reduce from Attack South to one map before end of map (ie. Any hero before Super Y.Shao is reduced difficulty) 
3) Revised Super Dian Wei growth and skill problem

Friday, March 21, 2014

As you would have guess!

As mentioned in forum earlier, there's a new COM hero for sale. Here he is:
In short he would be a God Huang Gai + Pang Tong revive hero lolx

Dian wei. Super:Limited Hero,Only could get from weapon market. Need 20 pcs to complete
Skill description:
旋风双戟(Hit all enemies):
Causes level 5 COM attack to all enemy heroes. Damage inflicted will increase when troop level gets lower. Can revive one time. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Some minor patches in China

I am kinda lazy to update the blog. Mainly because I am lazy playing the game with the uber slow update. Anyways, here are some updates that I have missed

1) 调整:Western War (Web Only)
1、New Feature(11月29日11点上线全服,仅限web端)。
Name:Western War
Entrance:Hit “Super Event”(to be interpreted by Huayu) to enter
Opening:Every Spring,20:00-20:30pm
Enter restriction:Level 20, belong to a country
Basic rules:
1)Event starts, 3 kingdoms would try to fight for stronghold, players could attack or defend stronghold. 
2)Every strong hold taken can use to levy which gives you silver. When the game started after 5 mins, the chance of doubling silver will happen。

3) After the event, based on number of strongholds and resources, determine the winner. The winning country gets reward。God knows what the rewards are, please refer to forum feedbacks. This was quite sometime back.. We dun even have the Jingzhou battle yet.. zzz...

1) 调整:Minor Update1、Increase reward of Western War
2、Increase storage of Silver for >level 30
3,  Increase storage of Food for > level 30

2) 调整:2nd Password Authentication (Web Only)
Players now need to tie account with handphone
Certain game play now need the secondary password.
Only need to key in once.  

Affected Features:
1、Hero System:
Attribute changing, inherit into book , Use an inherit book 
Degrading equipment, use of sacrifice and Yin and Yang
Jade Exchange, Use gold to reset, Batch reset, Selling red and gold jade
4、Array and Practice: 
Use gold to inspire, one key inspire, Get Pride, Array skill degrade, Array special skill degrade
Sell, buy, combine stones and flags
6、Others :
Buying orders. Conquer, Rush, "Conquer after order reach 0", recast, Gold recast, Fusing blah blah
Selling gold and red equipments. Enhance and Degrade, Buying heroes and equipment from Heroes shop, degrading study ...etc etc 

3) 调整:One key Equipment Transfer from General to General
Description: 1、 Players could pass the equipment from one player to another through a special interface
2、I think image below is self explanatory


Thursday, February 27, 2014

3 Red books clearing God Pang Tong**=0&version=

Amazing eh? Seems like more and more people clearing.
So far, COM+TCA and pure COM haven't clear yet
Need Emperor and Super Guo Jia to have max IN attribute.
Not as easy as it seems

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Passed 66% Alliance

Really bits and pieces, will be hard to progress map from now onwards

Monday, February 10, 2014

Seventeenth batch of warm winter

For those unable to see from forum. 

Seventeenth batch of warm winter
Event 1 Daily consume gold get free chaos privilege
Duration2014 Feb 11th 00:002014 Feb 13th23:59(GMT+8)
How to do it
During the eventplayers recharge gold reach to 800 in a single day, will get one day free chaos privilege.

Please note
1. This is daily accumulatively recharge event.
2. Rewards will be in the next day, for example, Player Huayu rechange 800 gold in Feb 11th he will get his reward in Feb 12th.
3. Each player can join the event once everyday.
4. Introduction of recharge:
In IOS or android device, just the recharge amount is included.
In Web recharge, need exchange the HY point into gold, the amount will be include in the recharge number.

Event 2 Daily consume gold get amazing reward
Duration2014 Feb 11th 00:002014 Feb 13th23:59(GMT+8)
How to do it
During the event ,players consume gold reach to the class below, will get the reward in the blank.

Consume Gold Amount
speed ups
(Chaos, Stratagem,Operation,  leader)*2
(Chaos, Stratagem,Operation,  leader)*3
(Chaos, Stratagem,Operation,  leader)*6
Over 30000
(Chaos, Stratagem,Operation, leader)*10
God Cape  Piece*1

Consume Gold Amount
Jade coin
speed ups
Over 30000
God Cape  Piece*1

How to do it
1. WEB users can receive the reward in the package interface.
2. IOS users can receive it from Package interface.
3. The reward will be sent in the next day 00:00.
please note
1. During the event, player consume gold in a single day reaches the class, will can get corresponding reward. The activity will be recalculated the next day.
2. The time of calculate from 00:00-23:59:59 everyday.
3. The reward is sent based on the highest number of your daily consumption gold amount, no accumulating.
For example: If player Huayu consumes 27000gold in Feb 11th, he will get the relevant reward of 10000-29999 level.

Event 3 Accumulative consume gold get golden book piece
Duration2014 Feb 11th 00:002014 Feb 13th23:59(GMT+8)
ServersS1-S77How to do it
During the event, player accumulative consume gold reach to 50000, will get 1 piece of golden book.

please note
1.This is accumulative consume gold event, player must consume gold reach to 50000 during the event, will get one piece of golden book piece.
2. Reward will be sent in Feb 14th.