Thursday, July 3, 2014

Buff Clarification

I got a lot of questions about buff etc.

I see an article in China and I summarise here as well.
The china link is here:

In summary, (translate literally)
1、Astronomy Buff——
15 % attack (TCA+COM)
20 % defense (TCA+COM)
Heroes: Zhugeliang、Zhang Liao.Super 
Super Cao Ren attack buff do not stack 

2、Honor Guard Buff 
30% defense (TCA+COM)
Heroes: Super Cao Ren, Da Qiao, Zhong Yao, Jian Yong
Can stack with Astronomy

3、Military Band Buff
20% attack (TCA+COM)
Heroes : Xiao Qiao, Liu Ye, Yue Ying, 
(According to this article and anonymous below. Military Band buff can stack with Astronomy)

4、Capacity buff 
15% attack (TCA, COM, STA)
Heroes: Sun Jian, Guan Yu, Sun Ce (Super), Zuo Ci and Yu Ji (STA only)
Can stack with all buff

5、Super One round Buff
40% attack, 80% defense
Heroes: Super Diao Chan, Super Sun Xiang Shang
Will override all buff if got to that person. 


  1. so super caoren and zgl/szl atk buff is same?

  2. Zhang Liao.Super + Military Band Buff
    without Military Buff. Zhang Liao.Super damage on E.Xian = 54154
    with Military Buff. Zhang Liao.Super damage on E.Xian = 62102
    Zhugeliang + Millitary Band Buff
    without Zhugeliang Buff and Millitary Buff. Weiyan damage on E.Xian = 25128
    without Military Buff. Weiyan damage on E.Xian = 29439
    with Military Buff. Weiyan damage on E.Xian = 33751

    1. Thanks! lemme change accordingly

    2. seems super caoren atk buff and military buff is same..ill try if already complete it..
