Every level is 15% more than the previous level.
Level 5 TCA/STA/COM is 1.15 of level 4 TCA/STA/COM
Level 5 TCA/STA/COM is 1.15*1.15 of level 3 TCA/STA/COM
So on and so forth
For those intend to buy Super Simayi. Please note that Super Sima Yi damage is lower than Super Guo Jia or Super Pang Tong. However, he added STA and STD buff. Especially the STD buff which no hero had, no other hero had such buff.
This is extracted from an article I read about Super Simayi.
Nobody rebutted his argument, so I presume the value should be correct unless proofed wrong otherwise.
Note that its my mistake. He adds only defense buff