[Update]11月28日7:00-9:00 Update Patch(X1)
*Update 22nd Jan 2014*
Huayu took 2months to update path zzzzzz
Z.Liao Stage
Requirement:Defeated Meng Huo in "Shouthern"

Zuo Ci Stage Requirement:Defeated Xu Shu (1) in Fancheng
 New Heros:Z.Liao-super、Zuo Ci Z.Liao-Super Type:TCA Heros Unit:风驰骑尉 (Calvary Captain) Skill:Raid All
Description: Improve self capacity,
improve COM def and TCA def of team.
Causes all opponents Lv3 TAC attack

Zuo Ci Type:STA Unit:Hermit (Confusing.. It should be a special unit type from ZYu)
Description: Increases all STA hero attack. At the same time, damage level 3 STA attack
Hi, iam xiaohu from s22, in your opinion which one is better for map, SJ or GZL
ReplyDeleteMy current line up: SJ, ZGJ, DQ/ZY,EX, SZJ, i am halfway getting OI and stil far away from getting MH,(12% at Southern). Thanks before.
For map, you need GZL.
DeleteFor pvp, you need SJ.
That's why I dilemma myself and put up a poll to see how others feel
According to current poll, most people would be changing. 25 to 6 ratio
Use table in this link below to decide yourself
Thanks for fast reply, ZL-Super can not buff other according to your tabble, so the att/def buff is for himself? the problem with low vip is, we have to recast all 5 skill from SJ to ZLS that cost us 2500G, is such a waste of gold :(
ReplyDeletePlease check the buff tutorial on tutorial section. ATT/DEF buff is for all. Only capacity buff for self
Deletecould u tell me how much the % boost of zuoci?
ReplyDeleteshould be same as Sun JIan