Monday, September 2, 2013

李志清 Stat When Pass Repression Map

I think all the way have more than 5 obstacles, first obstacle is npc call Yuan Wei, and second obstacle will be Super Dong Zhuo, and the third obstacles will be those Tiger Rangers, when I saw their name I was wonder they are com. attack like beast master, actually not, they are mostly sta. attack. like tactician, astrologer and retainer(hit like Sima Yi), if like to pass here I think need up your sta defend tech and sta defend flag.

After those Tiger Rangers, next obstacles will be Guo Jia, Pat "诸葛正我“ call him "Country", this one is also sta hero and he bring along another retainer.

And the last obstacle also last npc will be Cao Cao, again Pat "诸葛正我“ give him a nick name call "Smelly smelly", hihihi.. this one really smelly and with very high tca attack, he bring along all wei's heroes, like Sima Yi, Guo Jiao, Jia Xu, you can imagize how hard to pass this smelly.

Below are my battle report when meet Guo Jia and Cao Cao :


  1. Thanks lee.
    That is too comprehensive :D
    Quite well written

  2. thank you newbie, i just try to present wat i know.. hope ppl will understand my broken

  3. lolz more detail than me and nicely presented.
