Monday, September 30, 2013

God Zhang Fei and God Huang Zhong comparisons

As you can see, the top players in China already farmed God Huang Zhong.
They made a comparison using God Zhang Fei as replacement. I think 
they only have 1 weapon. So they cannot see effect of using both

God Huang Zhong:

God Huang Zhong animation is really cartoonish lol. But overall gives a different kind of attack. 
As for the 100% hit is all rubbish, you can still miss. Maybe the miss rate is lower


  1. s for the 100% hit is all rubbish, you can still miss. Maybe the miss rate is lower??

    why they call it 100% if still can miss?but i see on br, there is no miss leh..

    1. I didnt show all BR. In one of the BR he still misses
