Thursday, August 29, 2013

Interesting Post from China

I got this abstract on Chinese server. Its not a battle report but something like a complain letter. Sounds interesting, so I post it here. The title is translated as "Who is Who's Tragedy?"

我发这个贴只是想说。。不管机械。战法。策。。在乱世的当前情况下都遇到了前所未有的难解之题。。也就是乱世进入瓶颈期。。要么突破、要么随之慢慢消亡。。就我本人而言。对策划的智商估计是持保留态度的。。所以我对乱世的前景是比较悲观的。。1.就推图来讲。。100J 的时候我们卡在王烈。卡在草草。。120J的时候我们卡在交州的3老虎。。150J的时候我们卡在南蛮。张飞以及各种。。如今160J了。。我们卡在凉州飞马。。卡图其实没什么可怕的。。就像我们当初卡在黑山的老虎那里。卡在江夏的老虎那里。。我们只要发展10天半月。总能过去。。就算那个王烈。三老虎。。现在很多压级兄弟也表明了。只要发展够总能过去。。但是如今的卡图却非常可怕。。除非改版。你发觉你怎么努力都过不去。。这是策划的悲哀。游戏的悲哀。更是玩家的悲哀。。
2.说说PK吧。。机械流的后期不给力目前已经是共识了。。但是吴国的红马战法流不悲哀吗?魏国的司马策不悲哀吗?吴国战法流最悲哀的是他们的阵全是千篇一律。。想换个将都没有空间。。你刷个刘表。发觉谁也替代不了。。诸葛瑾 张角。周瑜。孙坚。皇帝都是必须将。。玩游戏玩到一辈子只能用5个将。不是一种悲哀吗?而魏国玩家的悲哀是整个国家的颓势。。不管是送红书。改曹彰。都无法挽救这个国家的颓势。。他们一次次的带着热情冲出中原、然后一次次的被送回雍州苦守着9个矿。玩着自己的大司马。。

Literally it translates like this:
"I only wanted to say... No matter whether you are ATK based. TCA based. STA based. In COTK current condition, we all faced the same unsolvable problem.. That is COTK had reached its bottleneck period.. If it is possible, there will be a breakthrough、otherwise it slowly dies off.. This is just my opinion. I am pessimistic of current direction COTK is heading.. 
1.Just talk about pushing map.. At the start, the 100 Level Patch, we stuck at Wang Lie, stuck at Cao Cao.. At level 120 patch we stuck at Jiao State's 3 tigers.. At level 150 patch, we stuck at Shoutern, Zhang Fei and all sorts.. Now at level 160.. We stuck at Liangzhou Flying Horse.. Stuck in the map used to be nothing big. In the past, we stuck at Heishan's tiger, stuck at JiangXia's tiger.. Develop 10days to half a month, we can definitely pass it.. Even for WangLie and that 3 tigers in Jiao State.. Now even the very low VIP understands, as long as you develop, you can surely pass.. However, the maps are getting worse and worse.. Unless there is an entire change, you realised that no matter how hard you work, you cannot pass it.. This is the organiser's tragedy. The game's tragedy. Even so, the player's tragedy..
2.Now we talk about PVP.. Shu's ATK is not good once you reach a high level and everyone knows it.. However, do you think Wu is not a tragedy as well? Wei's Simayi STA not a tragedy? Wu's tragedy is that they have all the same formation, all of them.. There is no space for change.. You get a Liu Biao, you realised you cannot replace anyone.. ZhugeJin Zhang Jiao, Zhou Yu, Sun Jian, Emperor is a must hero.. Play the entire life only with the same 5 heroes. Isn't this a tragedy? Wei's tragedy is a country wide tragedy.. No matter you give them red book, change Cao Zhang, you can never change this situation.. Each time a merger, they are full of passion to rush out of the central wall. And each time they were sent back to struggle with the 9 mines, playing with their Big Simayi..
3.All Player's Tragedy.. No matter whether you are from Wei, Wu or Shu. Nobody object the mass limits.  Everyone accepts that.. Does the organisers know that the player needs this? They know.. But they wouldn't give. They introduced Chaos priviledge instead.. How often do they give you Chaos priviledge? I guess only once per month at max. In this month, you cut CD, they still want your gold.. People's girl's menstruation also more than once a month. 
Players wants an item drop, it wouldn't drop.. This is a tragedy.

I am pessimistic COTK can get out of this tragedy period. So we have no choice but to repeatedly struggle through this game and continue our tragedy"

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