Sunday, August 24, 2014

Some minor information from Attributes Washing

This is already not a surprise to many I guess:

For for those who do not know.
Washing attributes success rate is more or less the same

ie. using 2000 honors, 2 gold, 5 gold, 10 gold and 20 gold.

So why bother use 20 gold, u might ask?

Its basically the rate of increase
2000 honors -  + 1~3 attribute increase
2 gold - +1~5 attribute increase
5 gold - ?
10 gold - +1 ~10 attribute increase
20 gold - +1 ~ 20 attribute increase

So depending on how u are willing to spend.
If you are unlucky, u may get 20 gold for just a +1 attribute.
Based on this model, determine how you want to up ur attributes :D

Friday, August 22, 2014

Cleared HR event!

Battle Report :

Yan Liang.super versus Guan Yu.God

I know this is kinda far for most of us. 
But here are some reports. To avoid contention, this is a direct translation from the following link:

Attacking the defender:(Heroes are in same condition)
   Guan Yu:**=0&version=
   Yan Liang:**=0&version=
Attacking Wei Yan(See speed and defense):
   Guan Yu:**=0&version=
   Yan Liang:**=0&version=
Attack Guo Jia(See STA Defense):
   Guan Yu:**=0&version=
   Yan Liang:**=0&version=

Conclusion:Guan Yu and Yan Liang damage are the same. (Yan Liang is lower because of the 15% capacity buff from Guan Yu.super) That super damage difference in some report is due to the MDR requirements which the 15% capacity buff managed to get it over. Defense, Yan Liang loses to Guan Yu slightly. But it could be due to small differences in attributes between the 2. [Note, RenRen made Guan Yu and Yan Liang almost similar. Just that Guan Yu has the 15% capacity buff and Yan Liang does not need inspirer) 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Apology to S56, S57, S58 and S59 Players

I must say, after seeing the differences in development ranking and first strike points. I think Huayu is merely using my newbienoob statistics as a gauge to merge our 2 servers. I see that even XieShu, Arygemini and GMBomber development and fsp are not even close to the top 10 players... Myself is just 3rd or 4th..

I apologize for this merger. I dun think it benefits anyone in s56 be it from Shu, Wu. Maybe Wei have some initial benefit ...

For s9 folks, let us be friendly - Be it from Shu, Wu or Wei. Let's not have internal strife and fight it out our best in West War, Legion farms and Country battle.

I dunno how the cross server country battle works in future as there are no updates in China.